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Doug Joachim
5 min read
The Best Supplement For Strength & Performance
Creatine is one of the sports supplement industry's most widely studied ergogenic aids. It has decades of evidence supporting its...
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Doug Joachim
5 min read
9 Evidence Based Ways To Cut Up For Summer
‘Hot town, summer in the city. Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty…..’ That means beach weather, bikinis, bare feet and lots of...

Doug Joachim
2 min read
Get Lean in 20 Seconds
Tabata Method: 20 Seconds of high-intensity work – 95% of your maximal effort 10 Seconds rest Repeat this 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off...

Doug Joachim
5 min read
Spend Less Time In the Gym and Be More Fit
Here is a thought experiment: Imagine spending less time working out and getting more fit. How would that make you feel? Of course, this...
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