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Doug Joachim
6 min read
Bulletproof Coffee: Don’t Believe the Hype
Have you contemplated jumping on the butter coffee bandwagon? The original Bulletproof Coffeeâ„¢ is a delicious concoction whipped up by...

Doug Joachim
6 min read
Does Snacking Make You Fat?
FACT: Every time you eat anything (not just carbs) your pancreas releases more insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin’s two jobs are to...

Doug Joachim
3 min read
Coffee is Healthy – Just Don’t Drink 100 Cups Daily
Coffee is a healthy drink that helps performance, cognition and fights disease.
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Doug Joachim
5 min read
Embrace the Cold Weather: It Helps You Burn Fat!
Fact: Cold weather forces your body to burn more fat than hot weather. Some evolutionary biologists have posited a correlation between...
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