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Health and Fitness Quiz

Writer's picture: Doug JoachimDoug Joachim

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

Do you consider yourself knowledgeable when it comes to health and fitness? See if you can answer these 9 questions correctly.

1. Which oil is healthiest for your heart?

  1. A- Olive oil

  2. B- Canola oil

  3. C- Corn oil

  4. D- Flaxseed oil

  5. E- Exxon

2. According to “Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise” standing over sitting burns:

  1. A- 20% more calories/hr

  2. B- 38% more calories/hr

  3. C- 53% more calories/hr

  4. D- 110% more calories/hr

3. Why are women more susceptible to cellulite than men?

  1. A- Women are more emotional than men

  2. B- Women do not have as much testosterone and this affects the elasticity of the skin

  3. C- Women have thinner and more vertical connective tissue

  4. D- It is a curse put upon women by their fathers

4. True or False?

Weight-bearing exercises are the only ones that add bone density to fight osteoporosis.

5.  What macronutrient can humans live without?

  1. A- Fat

  2. B- Carbohydrates

  3. C- Protein

  4. D- None of the above

  5. E- Vitamins

6. True, False or Maybe?

Raw foods contain fewer calories than their cooked counterparts.

7. Celiac disease (a severe allergy to gluten) affects approximately 1% of the population. What percentage of the US population is affected by non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS)?

  1. A- 22-30%

  2. B- 65-74%

  3. C- Virtually everyone

  4. D- 1-6%

8. In the hierarchy of weight loss, which activity is the most important?

  1. A. Cardio

  2. B. Proper nutrition

  3. C. Weightlifting

  4. D. Non-exercise activity

  5. E. Daily sex

9. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) burns fat and increases metabolism. In 2009 scientists discovered that adults can increase their levels of BAT. How?

  1. A. By taking cold showers

  2. B. By putting ice packs on your shoulders

  3. C. By sleeping in a cold room without warm covers

  4. D. All of the above

  5. E. None of the above

10.  Which muscle is not part of the quadriceps?

  1. A. Vastus lateralis

  2. B. Rectus femoris

  3. C. Vastus intermedius

  4. D. Vastus medialis

  5. E. Tensor vastus intermedius


1.  A –  This is not really a fair question because “health” is relative. That being said, extra virgin olive oil has been demonstrated in hundreds of studies to have major cardiovascular benefits. The amount of overwhelming evidence singing the praises of olive oil far overshadows the benefits of all the other listed oils combined. Olive oil contains 75% oleic acid which brings down most inflammatory markers.  Extra virgin olive oil is rich in antioxidants that mediate inflammation. It is a staple of many of the healthiest communities in the world (Blue Zones). Consumed by humans for over 5000 years, olive oil is simply the heart-healthiest vegetable oil you can use. Don’t cheap out when buying your olive oil. If it is inexpensive, it is likely fake. Look for the California seal.

2.  C-  Whenever you have the option, choose standing over sitting. It is far better for your back and it burns 53% more calories.  For more info check out: SitOnThis

3.  C-  Women typically have thinner skin than men and, unlike men, possess vertical connective tissue called septa which pull down on the skin causing it to pucker, AKA cellulite.  Moreover, due to their childbearing nature, women are blessed with more body fat than men. Side fact: Liposuction does not target cellulite because of the proximity to the surface and the high possibility of scarring.

4.  True.  Any time a person lifts a weight, force is distributed upon everybody's structure in that chain of movement, from the entrance to exit. Additionally, all muscle contractions exert internal compression forces on bones, which helps increase their density.

5.   B-  Carbohydrates are not essential to human health. Unlike essential fats and essential proteins, there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. That being said, most people would have a hard time maintaining health on a zero carbohydrate diet because carbohydrates help fuel energy systems in your body.

6.  True. Whether we are talking about plants or meat, eating cooked food provides more calories than eating the same food raw. Cooking and heating food breaks down nutrients and makes it easier to digest.  Most heavily processed foods are easily broken down. Your body knows how to convert that entire Twinkie into calories whereas it can only convert about 80% of the energy from a raw almond.

7.  D-  Gluten is not inherently bad.  Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is actually a thing, albeit hard to diagnose. Unlike Celiac disease there are no biomarkers to confirm NCGS. The only way to identify it is to rule out other related conditions and demonstrate both improvements when gluten is removed and the recurrence of symptoms when gluten is reintroduced. Since coining the term in 2012, research has found evidence that 1% to 6% of the population may be affected.

8.  B-  Eating clean will help your weight loss efforts a lot more than almost anything else. It is the most important step in the weight loss hierarchy – and maybe the hardest due to the multifactorial underpinnings and interplay of psychosocial effects. The second most important thing is to move a lot during the day (non-exercise activity thermogenesis). The best approach seems to be a blend of all the steps added to a healthy sleep and stress reduction protocol.

9.  D-  There are many benefits of cold thermogenesis which increase BAT activation. Brown adipose tissue’s primary role is to burn large amounts of chemical energy to produce heat in the body; it also plays a role in regulating body weight and insulin when one overeats (people who have large amounts of BAT have an easier time staying slim and diabetes-free). It is primarily found in the upper chest and posterior neck and shoulder region. The best way to increase activation is to be cold.

10.  Trick question.  They are all part of the quadriceps or should I now call them the quintacepts?? It was discovered this year (2016) that the thigh muscles had a clear and significant unnamed muscle, which the researchers named “tensor vastus intermedius“.


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